Become a Pro

PADI Instructor Development course (IDC)

If you enjoy working with people, have a passion for scuba diving, and desire an extraordinary life, consider becoming a PADI Instructor. This career lets you share your love of the underwater world while spending time in and around water. PADI Open Water Scuba Instructors and Assistant Instructors are in high demand worldwide due to their comprehensive training, which sets the industry standard. Earning a PADI Instructor rating takes dedication and hard work, but it leads to a fulfilling job where you share amazing underwater adventures, enriching both your life and the lives of others.
Are you ready to join the ranks of professionals teaching the world’s leading scuba diving programs? Go PRO with an Instructor Development Course.

Becoming a PADI Divemaster or Scuba Instructor opens up a world of opportunities—whether you’re looking to work and travel, to share your passion for the underwater world with others or take on a new personal challenge. Throughout your journey, you’ll sharpen your diving skills and step into a leadership role within the global diving community, united by a passion for adventure and a commitment to protecting our oceans.

Live Your Dream

What We Offer

PADI Divemaster

PADI Instructor Development course (IDC)

Emergency First Response Instructor (EFRI)

Successful IE

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